expand_less ChainReact Consortium Research Publications

Gkatziaki V., Papadopoulos S., Diplaris S., Kompatsiaris I. “Large-Scale Open Corporate Data Collection and Analysis as an Enabler of Corporate Social Responsibility Research”. In: Kompatsiaris I. et al. (eds) Internet Science. INSCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10673, 2017, Springer, Cham.

Gkatziaki Vasiliki, Symeon Papadopoulos, Richard Mills, Sotiris Diplaris, Ioannis Tsampoulatidis, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris. "easIE: Easy-to-use information extraction for constructing CSR databases from the web" ACM Transactions Internet Technology, vol. 18, issue: 4, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1145/3155807

Mills Richard, et al. “WikiRate.org – Leveraging Collective Awareness to Understand Companies’ Environmental, Social and Governance Performance”. In: Bagnoli F. et al. (eds) Internet Science. INSCI 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9934, 2016, Springer, Cham.

Mills Richard, Stefano De Paoli. "When situativity meets objectivity in peer production of knowledge: the case of the WikiRate platform", Data Technologies and Applications, vol. 52, issue: 1, 2017, pp.16-33, https://doi.org/10.1108/DTA-02-2017-0006

Thornton Guenette Isabel, Ella McPherson, and Matthew Mahmoudi. “No Tech, Low Tech, Slow Tech: Human Rights Practitioners.” The International Journal of Human Rights, 2018, special issue on activist scholarship in human rights, under review.

Collaborative Reports and Publications

Gibbons Belinda, Theresa Heithaus,  Richard Mills and Sigrun Pahr Skudem. "Final Pilot Report: Business Contribution to the SDGs — A Student Assessment" PRME / WikiRate / Bertelsmann Stiftung / UN Global Compact, 2017, https://wikirate.s3.amazonaws.com/files/4590415/17616629.pdf

Heithaus Theresa, Richard Mills, Stephanie Perkiss and PRME. “Disclosure and Reporting Against the Sustainable Development Goals: Connecting New Stakeholders to Sustainability Data”, 2018, https://wikirate.s3.amazonaws.com/files/4069578/16058573.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0q7WP7IlgA0YEe46sRO2S_TW_Q51ygxu6j8sjZ9HsKq3UIdZgIMIS0MyA

Perkiss, S., Dean, B.A., Gibbons, B., Heithaus, T., Wersun, A., Gonzalez-Perez, M.A., Anastasiadis, S., Acosta, P., Mesick, R., Jun, H. &Mills, R. "WikiRate Student Engagement Report: International Case Studies". University of Wollongong,WikiRate& PRME: Wollongong, Australia, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-74128-302-0, https://wikirate.s3.amazonaws.com/files/4590339/17615582.pdf

WikiRate and the Walk Free Foundation. "Beyond Compliance: The Modern Slavery Act Research Project Report". The Walk Free Foundation, 2018, https://wikirate.s3.amazonaws.com/files/4585920/17588916.pdf

Blog Posts

Villeneuve, Sarah. "10 Things to Know About Social Media Verification" Web blog post. The Whistle. 8 Jun. 2016, http://thewhistle.soc.srcf.net/blog/index.php/2016/06/08/10-things-to-know-about-social-media-verification/

Villeneuve, Sarah. "The Whistle’s Impact: A Case Study by the University of Cambridge"
Web blog post. The Whistle. 16 March. 2017, http://thewhistle.soc.srcf.net/blog/index.php/2017/03/16/the-whistles-impact-a-case-study-by-the-university-of-cambridge/

Mills, Richard. " WikiRate- Design for Impact" Web blog post. Emerald Publishing. 12 Dec. 2018. https://www.emeraldpublishing.com/news-and-blogs/wikirate-designed-for-impact/

Keller, Danielle. "See Through the Luxury Jewelry Supply Chain  - A New Methodology for Sustainable Practice" Web blog post. Medium. 15 Oct. 2018, https://medium.com/see-through-sustainability-in-the-luxury-jewelry

Ixtacuy Lucía and Aileen Robinson. "Investor Transparency in the Fashion Industry  - Open Data Sprint" Web blog post. Medium. 13 Sept. 2018.https://medium.com/@WikiRate/investor-transparency-in-the-fashion-industry-an-open-data-sprint-97fafc0e1f2d

Hanley, Mollie. "Introducing Trademarks" Web blog post. OpenCorporates. 22 Nov. 2017, https://blog.opencorporates.com/2017/11/22/introducing-trademarks/

 Hanley, Mollie. "New Feature: Global Industry Codes" Web blog post. OpenCorporates. 18 Jan. 2017, https://blog.opencorporates.com/2018/01/18/new-feature-global-industry-codes/
Van Breen, Laureen. "How Data Can Be a Game Changer in Responsible Business" Web blog post. India Responsible Business Forum. Oxfam India. 12 Feb. 2018, https://www.responsiblebiz.org/stories/how-data-can-be-a-game-changer-in-responsible-business-299.html