RichText+*type+by name
verification email+*html message
*nested by+*right+*help
Cards that refer to {{_left|name}}.
follower notification email+*html message
Email template+*type+*structure
RichText :
{{+*from | labeled | link}} {{+*to | labeled | link}} {{+*cc | labeled | link}} {{+*bcc | labeled | link}} {{+*subject | titled}} {{+*html message | titled}} {{+*text message | titled}} {{+*attach | titled}}
Help Desk+Dashboard
Cards created by {{_left|name}}.
Users who have edited {{_left|name}}.
password reset email+*html message
If there is a card named "X+{{_left|name}}",
then X...
*all plus+*default
RichText : empty
Help Desk+description
Sign up+*self+*structure
RichText : empty
*links to+*right+*help
Cards that {{_left|name}} links to.
Twitter template+*type+*structure
RichText : {{+*message}}
{{+*consumer key}}
{{+*consumer secret}}
{{+*access token}}
{{+*access secret}}
Get notified about changes.